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Gord Barentsen

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Everything posted by Gord Barentsen

  1. Since I'm a total sucker for this kind of POV camerawork (and I'm testing embedded content functions), I thought I'd post this really cool footage of an eagle descending from the world's tallest building in Dubai.
  2. The more I listen to Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress the more annoyed I am that I missed Godspeed You! Black Emperor! live....again >:(

    1. Graham Barnett

      Graham Barnett

      umm Godspeed you black emperor!??

    2. Gord Barentsen

      Gord Barentsen

      GY!BE is a post-rock band out of Montréal, Canada.  For more information:

      Godspeed You! Black Emperor on Wikipedia


  3. Well, at long last, after server migrations, software updates and various species of ghost in the machine, LiquidFractal.org is assuming the (amorphous, indeterminate) shape it was meant to have! Thanks to clients and friends who have patiently waited for the site to get into working order. You people are awesome! More as it happens...
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