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  • High-Calibre English Tuition

    Your use of language shapes how you express yourself to the people around you – and how they perceive you.

    Ask any politician, PR spokesperson, or journalist; they'll tell you that the correct word choice, grammar, and punctuation (or lack thereof) can make all the difference between winning and losing your audience.

    And sometimes it can cost you! Just ask Rogers Telecommunications in Canada who, in 2006, was forced to pay out a cool $1,000,000 US in a contract dispute due to a misplaced comma. 

    Or just ask Oakhurst Dairy in Maine, USA, who had to pay workers $5,000,000 US in 2014 due to the absence of an “Oxford comma.” 

    Finally, there’s aerospace giant Lockheed Martin. In 1999, they paid out a whopping $70,000,000 USD to a client because a rogue comma drastically altered an inflation-adjustment formula. 

    These examples are all undeniable proof that spelling, grammar, and punctuation matter.  That's why LiquidFractal offers high-calibre English tuition for upper-level high-school, undergraduate, and graduate students as well as professionals from all walks of life.

  • My Experience

    LiquidFractal’s English tuition is powered by my decades of experience teaching and tutoring English at the high-school and undergraduate levels. As a Ph.D in English who has taught and assessed university-level English, I know exactly what it takes to succeed both academically and professionally.  I have also edited and published in peer-reviewed journals and edited a volume of essays on the Gothic, as well as spoken at conferences in the UK, Europe, and Canada.  My first book was published with academic publisher Routledge in 2020.

    To learn more about my qualifications and about me personally, please click here.

  • My Clients

    English tuition isn’t just for high-school students!  I am very proud of my experience and achievements, and this passion fuels my desire to help my clients - be they high-school students on their way to university working for top-tier English scores, graduate students needing focus or an experienced second set of eyes, or professionals who need help crafting their prose in reports or analyses.  And if you’re a mature student looking to re-enter higher education, look no further – I've helped mature students ace their STAT exams (one of them a former auto mechanic who was accepted into a cybersecurity degree at Deakin University).  I’ve also worked with MA and Ph.D candidates across various disciplines as well as lawyers and medical doctors.  I've also collaborated with medical doctors to draft COVID-19 preparedness documentation for use by a major global corporation.

  • For a list of LiquidFractal's previously tutored works please click HERE (download and view in Acrobat for best results)

  • Click HERE to learn about how LiquidFractal's tuition has helped students.

  • Client Perks: The Learning Space

    LiquidFractal offers competitively priced tuition packages, including a free and customisable Learning Space for longer-term students committed to improving their outcomes.

    LiquidFractal Example Learning Space image

    I don't believe in leaving my tutoring clients in the lurch and forgetting about them until the next session.  The Learning Space is a private website space which includes discussion forums (so we can dialogue between sessions), a media gallery (to give essays and projects added punch), and a blog for those who want to polish their writing skills. The Learning Space is a perfect way to build up a body of knowledge to help students ace that essay or multimodal assignment, but it's also great for professionals who want an ongoing conversation about how to improve their language.

    My clients are encouraged to post questions, essays, or assignments in their Learning Spaces; I respond to posts when I can, at no added cost to my clients.

    If you want to see what a sample Learning Space looks like, please click here and feel free to look around.

  • Tuition spots currently available:


    (Please check back often, as this availability can change quickly!)

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