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Hosted Space: "Schelling and 'Philosophical Psychology'"

Gord Barentsen



I'm pleased to announce that LiquidFractal, with the permission of the MSCP, is hosting the online space for  "Schelling and 'Philosophical Psychology'," a summer course lasting from Jan-Feb 2018 and run through the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy.

You can get to it in the SPACES menu above, but only registered members can access its content.  If you're interested in enrolling for this or any other course offered by the MSCP, please visit their website here: Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy.

All courses are available for distance enrollment and are made available as downloadable recordings.

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Gord that's amazing!!!  I wish i had time to subscribe to your course, but I'm bang on with work right now and just don't have the time to read these days

but i LOVE what you did with the site! i leave for a few months, come back and it's completely transformed! you've really made the site 'pop' and it's great! :heart:

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