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New: Sticky Notes!

Gord Barentsen


Hi everyone,

Introducing Sticky Notes - an eye-catching way of making Members aware of new developments on the site, whether it's scheduling notifications for Tutor Clients, downtime for the site, or contests for you to win stuff!  I felt this might be a better alternative to the Announcements window at times, which should really stand out a bit more so that people notice it as soon as they splash down on the main page.  Sticky Notes are much more noticeable!

Sticky Notes will appear pinned to a side or corner of your screen.  Once you've read a Sticky Note, just click its X to remove it from your view.


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I'll put one up so you can see what they're all about.  There is also the ability to send Sticky Notes to other site members, which I'm currently experimenting with.

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For those of you who are able to use Sticky Notes, you can now leave Notes for yourself on the site as well as sending them to me.  This is a great way of setting up eye-catching reminders of upcoming events, tutoring sessions, or just homework deadlines.


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