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"begging the question"



When I was looking through the Logical Fallacies website I noticed the "Begging the Question" fallacy


I've always been confused about this phrase, probably because so many people (like myself) apparently misuse it.  That is to say i was told a while back that my use of the phrase wasn't what it really meant, and I actually thought that was a rhetorical trick to invalidate my argument :$.  I always thought that it meant one's argument had such a glaring omission in it that it left opponents or critics "begging" to ask the question that would be obvious to any intelligent listener.

So just for the record (or in case you're too lazy to look it up for yourselves), "begging the question" seems close to this but it's actually a circular or self-evident argument that is really only self-evident to the speaker and his/her prejudices, e.g., "the Bible was divinely created because it's the Word of God."

But I have to give this side mad props for ending their definition with "Circular reasoning is bad mostly because it's not very good" xD

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